The positives of PhD parenting

A hard balance indeed!

The Thesis Whisperer

As I’ve noted before, PhD parenting can be difficult. But do we sometimes ignore the positives? In this lovely post, Rebecca Turvill, PhD student and parent, considers the positives. Rebecca is a 1st year PhD student at Brunel University, London. Her research focuses on how young children develop ‘number sense’ in schools, for which she is undertaking ethnography in two primary schools in the South East of England. Prior to beginning her research Rebecca held roles as a teacher, a deputy head and a primary mathematics consultant in a London borough. In addition to studying, Rebecca is a parent to two small children.

Screen Shot 2013-11-10 at 4.33.13 PMBalancing work, family and life is always considered tricky, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. But as someone who has “chosen” to start a PhD full time with two children under 5, I think I have good insight into just how tricky that…

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