5 ways to detox your desk (and mind)

yr desk is yr enemy! [sometimes]

The Thesis Whisperer

Recently I grabbed a book from the RMIT library called “Detox your desk: declutter your life and mind” by Theo Theobald and Cary Cooper. Have a look at this picture and you’ll see why:

This is my at home desk – not my at work desk (which is in such embarrassing condition I am not going to show it to you ).

The book is a fun read, but not one I would urge you to run out and buy if you don’t have the time or inclination. It’s actually more about productivity and is one of the better ones I have read, but half of it was dedicated to asserting the validity of the ideas – which was too much for me (I was sold at the title!). Since it is part of our mission at the Whisperer to do this sort of reading for you, I sifted through…

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